Happy New Year!

It’s hard to believe that we are officially in 2022. Where has the time gone? I have a busy year planned and set a couple of goals to accomplish.

I attended a Winter Solstice gathering where we chose a word for ourselves for the new year. I chose the word “new”. My 2022 will be a year of new beginnings, new chapters (literally and figuratively), new life, new goals, and a new attitude. On my list of new beginnings is making my writing a priority this year. I chipped away at my books last year and did get quite a bit written, but I didn’t make as much progress as I would have liked. And, that is my fault. I didn’t adhere to a writing schedule, and as Dr. Phil says, “How’s that working for you?” Well, it isn’t and I have an unfinished, half written books to prove it.

Another priority on my list is my health. I am three years out from my chemo treatments and so far, all of my CAT scans have come back fine. I am in remission, but can’t say I’m cancer free until five year mark. Although my oncologist says she is pretty confident that my cancer will not return, I remain cautiously optimistic. I have been taking care of myself, but not a well as I should. My new beginning is to adopt a healthier lifestyle by eating better and exercising more.

I am also making a conscientious effort to have a better, more positive attitude. 2018 was a brutal year. My brother suddenly and unexpectedly passed away April 25th and in September, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I struggled quite a while, both physically and mentally, with everything that had happened, but last year I could feel myself finally climbing out the dark pit I had retreated into. While I will never understand why this happened to me and my family and I probably never will, I do have to move on. I have made progress, but still have a ways to go. I will focus on my blessings and show more gratitude. There is always something to be grateful for.

I am wishing you all a safe, healthy, happy, and prosperous new year!