I’m a starving I.T. person currently working as a writer. Wait, that’s wrong. I meant I’m a starving writer working as an I.T. person. Well, not really starving… more like constantly hungry, but I can always manage to find tacos somewhere.

I dabble in several genres; historical fiction, paranormal, and sci-fi. Ideas hit me out of the blue so frequently that I carry a notebook with me at all times to jot them down before I forget them. I have many books in the works and I’m excited, and impatient, to get them finished for your reading pleasure.

I’m a mom to an awesome son, have been with my wonderful boyfriend for fifteen years, and I’m a breast cancer survivor. I’m a music junkie that listens to Pop, Bluegrass, Motown, Classical, 70’s and 80’s, and everything in between. Oh, and I adore my record albums! (Yes, those round, black, vinyl things with the hole in the middle.) I collect Barbies, I’m a Star Wars nerd (Princess/General Leia is badass), I love baseball (go Cincinnati Reds), and Scarlett O’Hara is my hero. I have a thing for shoes and own… well… a lot of them. No matter how bad I may feel, putting on a new pair of shoes makes everything so much better. By the way, did I mention that I’m also a writer?

I’ve only begun this writing journey and I look forward to sharing it with you.

Always remember…