Finally! Spring has arrived. There are buds on the trees, my peonies are poking up through the dirt, and big, fat robins are hopping around in my yard. It was in the mid 70’s today with a bright sun and wispy clouds. As soon as I got home from work, I changed into shorts and cleaned off my back porch so I could sit outside and write.
After being cooped up in the house and work all winter with my feet constantly cold and the gray drabness of short, weak sunny days, I couldn’t wait to get outside in the fresh air, where the greenness gets greener every day, and the birds sing their appreciation for the warm weather. Being outside is Zen therapy for me. It gets my creative juices flowing, and reinvigorates and renews me. It’s a special time as the earth and trees wake from their winter slumber, and I feel myself waking up along with them. But, that doggone “spring forward” time change. I’m not a big fan of Daylight Savings Time because I do much better on the “fall back” time. I’m a night owl and every year that “spring forward” takes me at least a month to get used to.
This evening, as I sit on my back porch with spring growing around me, I am working on my latest book. It is nearly finished. Well, the draft is nearly finished, I mean. It’s about three-fourths written. My goal is to have it completely written by next weekend so I can start the tedious editing process. Editing is my least favorite part, but an absolute necessary evil. Sometimes, when I’m editing, I am amazed by what I have written, and other times, I’m wondering what the hell I was thinking. It’s a love-hate relationship, but love and hate are two horns on the same goat.
Happy Spring!